Keiko Yamaguchi

Keiko Yamaguchi

  • Japanese, English
  • Fukuoka
  • 全国通訳案内士研修 旅程管理主任者研修
  • Kyushu Association of Interpreters, Translators and Guide-Interpreters
Favorite Foods
  • Sushi Unagi Yakitori Soba
Countries where I have lived
  • Spain
About Me

I love history. I love the sea. I love cats. And I love to meet people.
Surrounded by a long history, culture, and beautiful nature, Japan is also an island nation where new pop culture is born one after another. And the people are polite and friendly.
There are various experience menus that offer you a chance to experience Japan's unique culture.
I hope you will visit Japan, get to know it, and fall in love with it. Let me help you to do so!