Kiyoshi Jinno
- English, French, German
- Nagoya City Chikusa Ward Aichi
- National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter
- Likes and Interests
- Music
- Movies
- History
- Anime・Manga
- Sake
- Culture
- Fashion
- Nature
- Sports
- Gourmet
- Technology
- Architecture
- Animals
- Crafts
- Cooking
- Favorite Foods
- Soba
- Nagoya-meshi
- Hida-beef
- Countries where I have lived
- Japan
- Great Britain
Since I completely retired from my position at a railway company and started being involved in the tour guide interpreter business, I have experienced almost all types of guiding through FIT, Long Group Tours, Cruises (Shore Excursions), Incentive Tours, Special Interest Tours (Railway Travel, Pilgrimages), Familiarization Tours (Sales Promotion Tours) etc.
However, I noticed that I am not fully satisfied to only be a general guide who just manages a tour itinerary provided by tour agents/clients.
High-end guests have sometimes requested me to answer some enquiries that are actually challenging to answer for Japanese nationals. However, I appreciated those because they provided such a challenge and I felt that they wanted to understand my sense of beauty/values as a guide concerning a new culture for them.
Every time I host my guest I do my best to prepare the most appropriate information based on three travel elements (appetite, logistics, accommodation). Nevertheless, I decided to aim for higher guiding skills after I was motivated by senior guides whose guiding strategies and gestures were particularly impressive.