Hotaruika Museum


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The Hotaruika Museum, famously known for their firefly squids is located in Namerikawa city, Toyama prefecture. This museum is surrounded by beautiful nature. The museum provides visitors with a special and interactive experience with the firefly squids by allowing you to touch them and see their light emitting abilities. These firefly squids put on a luminous lights show during the springtime. There are also several displays of the firefly squids and other deep sea creatures in the exhibition hall and museum gallery. There is also a live theater that teaches visitors more about the squid’s evolution and other deep sea wonders. Beyond the museum’s main attractions there is also more to explore with a glass-walled market hall and restaurant zone to add to the experience. These parts of the building overlook the Tateyama Mountain Peaks. Beyond this, there is a Museum Zone with fantastic lights portraying the mysterious sea.

Spot Name
Hotaruika Museum
Postal Code
410, Nakagawara, Namerikawa City
Telephone Number

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