Jodogaura Kaigan Beach

Beautiful Scenery

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Jodogaura Kaigan Beach has been designated as both a National Scenic Spot and a National Park Special Reserve. On the eastern coastal region, there are a series of cliffs created by marine erosion and a number of inlets; multiple reddish brown islands can also be seen, creating a kind of coastal scenery unique to Oki. There are lots of island reefs extending along the kilometer-long coast, and visitors can also see small islands and the robust figures of old pine trees that have withstood the winds off the sea for years. This area of ocean has been designated as a marine park, and it is also a popular diving spot. Visitors are sure to enjoy the contrast between the force of the islands and the refreshing clarity of the ocean.

Photograph provided by Okinoshima Town Hall

Spot Name
Jodogaura Kaigan Beach
Postal Code
Fuse, Okigun Okinoshimacho, Shimane
Telephone Number
Beautiful Scenery


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