Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine

Art & Architecture Beautiful Scenery History Insta-worthy

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is arguably the most famous Shinto shrine in Japan, known for its thousands of red torii gates. It is located in the Fushimi district of southern Kyoto, and its main buildings lie at the base of a mountain. However, the shrine actually extends deep into the mountain, and it is the sloping walking trails that lead through the forest and through the prominent vermillion Shinto gates that attract most visitors.
Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is dedicated to Inari, the deity of rice. Inari is also associated with foxes, so the entirety of the shrine is dotted with stone fox statues. Donating to the shrine is also said to bring good fortune, leading many Japanese companies and individuals to make monetary pledges to the shrine, in return receiving a torii gate engraved with their name on it erected on site.
In addition to the vermilion torii gates, the shrine also boasts many other attractions: the main sanctuary is decorated with glittering ornaments and also designated as an Important Cultural Property, and the roumon tower gate is said to have been built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi himself. A tour of the entire mountainous grounds is around 4 kilometers, so visitors should make sure to allow plenty of time and wear clothes that are comfortable for walking.

Spot Name
Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine
Postal Code
68 Fukakusa Yabunouchi-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto
Telephone Number
Official URL
Art & Architecture,Beautiful Scenery,History,Insta-worthy